Q. What is your customer support hotline number?
You may contact us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. Why should I be charged for an inspection?
Charges incur time spent, travelling expenses, as well as for the technical knowledge required for the actual inspections by our technicians or specialists.
Q. What is the cost for AC inspection?
Inspection of AC cost SGD$45. This is the most economic option in Singapore. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. Types of AC that RM Acelect service.
We provide servicing for any type of AC. Please look through our products to find out more of the AC’s we supply. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. Is AC servicing necessary?
To ensure the longevity of your AC lifespan, it is definitely ideal to have your AC serviced at least once every 3 months, which is a minimum of 4 times a year. That would include 1 chemical wash (wet) and 3 general service (dry). AC servicing is the most standard and cost efficient method to keep your AC in good condition. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. Are there any other benefits to servicing my AC unit regularly?
Other than to keep your AC unit functioning in prestine condition, servicing will also sustain it’s qualification for the full 10 years warranty instead of the usual 1 year manufacturer’s warranty.
Q. What is the cost for general AC servicing?
We offer general AC servicing in Singapore at only $50 for two (2) units. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. Do we provide warranty with our AC servicing?
A 1 month warranty will be provided for general AC servicing. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. How does our gas charging differ from others?
Prices are set as transparently as possible. It is based on refilling of 10, 20, or 30 psi. Should the gas level of your air conditioner fall below 30 psi, we would recommend a full top up.
Q. How do I check my AC's current gas level?
We have a dedicated team of specialists and technicians who will do a reading of your AC psi level before the actual filling. This is to ensure charges are applied fairly for you. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. What is the cost for AC installation?
Installation of AC cost between SGD$250 to $350. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. What is the cost for AC uninstallation?
Uninstallation of AC cost SGD$50/unit. Kindly book an appointment with us by calling us at 6685 7041 or through our website.
Q. What are the options available to make payment?
We accept PayNow, Net Banking and Cash. You will be charged after then end of our servicing.
Q. Will there be any additional charges to be incurred aside from the set price?
No, our prices are fixed and are inclusive of GST charges.
Q. How do I book an aircon service appointment?
There are three ways to book your online booking appointment,
1. You may book your appointment online through https://rmacelect.sg/book-an-appointment/
2. WhatsApp at +65 6685 7041.
3. Kindly contact us at 6685 7041 and we will arrange the schedule accordingly.
Q. How do I cancel a booking I made earlier?
There are three ways to cancel your online booking appointment,
1. You may also book, reschedule or cancel your appointment online through https://rmacelect.sg/book-an-appointment/ by resubmitting the online booking form.
2. WhatsApp at +65 6685 7041.
3. Kindly contact us at 6685 7041 and we will arrange the cancellation accordingly.
Q. How frequently should my AC filters be cleaned or replaced?
For both types of displosable or reusable filters, we would recommend 1 month of usage before they are replaced or cleaned.
Q. How do I reduce my AC electricity bills?
1. Go for ACs with certified ENERGY tick ratings.
2. An optimal temperature to saving energy would be between 22 to 24 degrees.
3. Have your temperature automatically regulated with a smart thermostat.
4. Ensure the AC is running in an enclosed space.
5. Regular servicing of AC.
Q. Any additional tips on personal AC maintenance?
Ensuring your AC is in prestine condition at all times pays off in the long run as you are not only extending the lifespan of your AC, you are also preventing your AC from potential accidents which would incur a heavier bill.